This Decree applies to the authorization, storage, marketing and utilization of yield increasing materials. The authorization is issued by the National Food Safety Agency (NEBIH). Articles 3-9 contain detailed rules regarding the authorization procedure. Each authorization is valid for ten years and it is renewable. Article 10 concerns the storage of yield increasing materials. Packaging and marketing are regulated in Articles 11-12. Control on utilization of these products is ruled by Articles 13-15. Articles 16 and 17 regard regular and, respectively, experimental use of yield increasing materials.
This Decree applies to the authorization, storage, marketing and utilization of yield increasing materials. The authorization is issued by the National Food Safety Agency (NEBIH). Articles 3-9 contain detailed rules regarding the authorization procedure. Each authorization is valid for ten years and it is renewable. Article 10 concerns the storage of yield increasing materials. Packaging and marketing are regulated in Articles 11-12. Control on utilization of these products is ruled by Articles
Decree No. 36 of 2006 (V. 18.) FVM of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development concerning the authorization, storage, marketing and utilization of yield increasing materials.
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