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This Decree establishes that the competent territorial and local authority for land management is the countrywide network system of land offices (county and ditrict offices)and the central authority is the Land Survey and Remote Sensing Institute (F MI). They are responsible for real estate registration; carrying out state duties related to land survey, mapping, remote sensing, geo-information systems and international obligations concerning the national borders; land valuation, land protection, control of compliance with provisions regarding land utilization and registration of land utilization; control of compliance with provisions regarding land tenure and land use; registration activities related to land trade, keeping of farmers, agricultural production cooperatives and agricultural production plants registers. The F MI is a central budgetary organ, supervised by the minister in charge of real estate registration and lead by a director general. Annex 1 to this Decree determines the territorial competence of district land offices. Further annexes appoint the competent technical authority which shall be heard in certain procedures.
This Decree establishes that the competent territorial and local authority for land management is the countrywide network system of land offices (county and ditrict offices)and the central authority is the Land Survey and Remote Sensing Institute (FÖMI). They are responsible for real estate registration; carrying out state duties related to land survey, mapping, remote sensing, geo-information systems and international obligations concerning the national borders; land valuation, land protection,
Decree No. 373 of 2014 (XII. 31.) Korm. of the Government concerning the duties and territorial competence of land offices and of the Land Survey and Remote Sensing Institute, and providing detailed rules for certain land related procedures.
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