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Pursuant to Directive 92/118/EEC, this Decree establishes the animal health and public health requirements governing trade between the Republic of San Marino and the European Community countries in products of animal origin (including trade samples taken from such products) not subject to the said requirements laid down in specific Decrees. Moreover, Chapter III sets out rules applicable to the importation of such products from States other than Members of the European Community. Chapter IV establishes the penalties to be applied in case of infringement.
Pursuant to Directive 92/118/EEC, this Decree establishes the animal health and public health requirements governing trade between the Republic of San Marino and the European Community countries in products of animal origin (including trade samples taken from such products) not subject to the said requirements laid down in specific Decrees. Moreover, Chapter III sets out rules applicable to the importation of such products from States other than Members of the European Community. Chapter IV esta
Decree No. 54 laying down health rules governing trade between the Republic of San Marino and the European Community countries in products of animal origin not subject to specific Decrees.
San Marino
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