This Decree modifies certain provisions of the Pesticides Decree. The Decree implementing article 1, sixth paragraph, comma b of the Pesticides Act, the Soil Desinfection Regulation, the Decree Professional Criteria and Skills Pesticides, the Decree Environment Criteria Admittance Pesticides, and the Decree Discharges in Greenhouse Agriculture. These Regulations are amended so as replace the term "to sell" with the term "to deliver" and to introduce the distinction between "plant protection substances" and "non-agricultural pesticides" as now used in the new version of the Pesticides Act 1962.
This Decree modifies certain provisions of the Pesticides Decree. The Decree implementing article 1, sixth paragraph, comma b of the Pesticides Act, the Soil Desinfection Regulation, the Decree Professional Criteria and Skills Pesticides, the Decree Environment Criteria Admittance Pesticides, and the Decree Discharges in Greenhouse Agriculture. These Regulations are amended so as replace the term "to sell" with the term "to deliver" and to introduce the distinction between "plant protection subs
Decree No. 77 of 1995 concerning harmonization of several Ministerial Decrees with provisions of the amended Pesticides Act 1962.
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