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The National Adaptation Geoinformatic System in the framework laid down in this Decree, on the basis of derived indicators, analyzes and impact studies provides information on the climatic condition of the country, on the impact of strategic risks related to climate change and to other long -term natural resources management issues, as well as on adaptation options. Information regarding the national adaptation strategy and other related issues are available for everyone for free through the internet portal of the system. The system provides the necessary information for central, regional and local authorities and local governments for sectorial and territorial planning purposes. The operator of the system is the Hungarian Institute of Geology and Geophysics. Rules of operation and duties are regulated by Articles 3-7.
The National Adaptation Geoinformatic System in the framework laid down in this Decree, on the basis of derived indicators, analyzes and impact studies provides information on the climatic condition of the country, on the impact of strategic risks related to climate change and to other long -term natural resources management issues, as well as on adaptation options. Information regarding the national adaptation strategy and other related issues are available for everyone for free through the int
Decree No. 94 of 2014 (III. 21.)cvKorm. of the Government laying down detailed rules of operation of the National Adaptation Geoinformatic System.
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