This Act applies to natural and legal entities operating in the field of reduction and/or absorption of greenhouse gas emissions. In accordance with Article 3, the National Assembly adopts the National Climate Change Strategy for the period of 2008-2025, for the first time, in compliance with international commitments. The National Assembly adopts also a National Climate Change Program for every two-year period. The minister in charge of energy policy prepares the National Emissions Inventory and he establishes and operates the National Registry System as well. Article 5 provides for the national emission trading registry which is kept by the environmental protection authority and its data is publicly accessible. The national reporting is to be fulfilled by the minister in compliance with EU regulations and international commitments. Articles 8-10 provide rules for the creation, termination and management of carbon units under the Kyoto Protocol. Articles 11-13/E concern the participation of Hungary in the international flexibility mechanisms.
This Act applies to natural and legal entities operating in the field of reduction and/or absorption of greenhouse gas emissions. In accordance with Article 3, the National Assembly adopts the National Climate Change Strategy for the period of 2008-2025, for the first time, in compliance with international commitments. The National Assembly adopts also a National Climate Change Program for every two-year period. The minister in charge of energy policy prepares the National Emissions Inventory an
Act No LX of 2007 providing the framework for the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and of the Kyoto Protocol.
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