This Decree must apply to: state organs which are in possession of data necessary to the operation of the National Registry System (hereinafter: the System) foreseen by Act No. LX of 2007 providing the framework for implementation of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and of the Kyoto Protocol; organisations which annual greenhouse gas emission equals or exceeds one hundred tons of CO2. The System is operated by the minister in charge of environmental protection, with the collaboration of other interested ministers, and it forms a part of the National Environmental Information System.
This Decree must apply to: state organs which are in possession of data necessary to the operation of the National Registry System (hereinafter: the System) foreseen by Act No. LX of 2007 providing the framework for implementation of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and of the Kyoto Protocol; organisations which annual greenhouse gas emission equals or exceeds one hundred tons of CO2. The System is operated by the minister in charge of environmental protection, with the collaboratio
This Decree is repealed as from 1 May 2014.
Governmental Decree No. 345 of 2009 (XII.30.)concerning the data reporting on greenhouse gas emissions.
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