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The present Decree has been adopted on the basis of article 6 of Regional Act No. 64 of 2001, which constitutes the reference legislative text at regional level in matter of water discharges. Water discharges shall be monitored by the Provinces, the Communes and Optimal Territorial Areas in conjunction with the Regional Agency for the Protection of the Environment (ARPAT). They shall operate in accordance with a monitoring plan to be adopted jointly by taking into account the impact, direct or indirect, that discharges might have on the surrounding environment as a whole and on water bodies in particular. The Decree provides for the exchange of all the relevant information in this field among the above-mentioned institutions (art. 4). Chapter II deals with the issue of new authorizations for discharges, whilst Chapter III regulates the renewal of authorizations.
The present Decree has been adopted on the basis of article 6 of Regional Act No. 64 of 2001, which constitutes the reference legislative text at regional level in matter of water discharges. Water discharges shall be monitored by the Provinces, the Communes and Optimal Territorial Areas in conjunction with the Regional Agency for the Protection of the Environment (ARPAT). They shall operate in accordance with a monitoring plan to be adopted jointly by taking into account the impact, direct or i
Decree of the President of the Regional Council No. 28 implementing article 6 of Regional Act No. 64 of 21 December 2001 making provision in matter of water discharges.
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