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The text consists of 26 sections, divided into 5 Chapters: general provisions (1); Approval, permission and responsible person (2); Treatment of animals, planning scheme and carrying out of experiments (3); Book-keeping, marking and origin of animals (4); Administrative provisions (5).
The aim of the Decree is to secure that the animals to which it applies shall be treated properly during rearing and during experimentation. No unnecessary suffering or pain shall be inflicted on them. Animal experiment offices and breeding farms of animals for experiments shall be approved by the animal experiment committee. For each activity a responsible contact person shall be appointed. Operations and premises for experiments shall meet the requirements laid down in Annex A of the Convention concerning experiments on animals of the European Council of 1986.
The text consists of 26 sections, divided into 5 Chapters: general provisions (1); Approval, permission and responsible person (2); Treatment of animals, planning scheme and carrying out of experiments (3); Book-keeping, marking and origin of animals (4); Administrative provisions (5).
This version is a consolidation of Decree No. 23 of 1996 as amended last by Decree No. 48 of 2004.
Decree relative to animal testing (No. 23 of 1996).
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