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This Regulation contains rules regarding use of animals in experiments for scientific and educational purposes. The Regulation will be instrumental in limiting the use of animals in experiments, promoting good welfare and respect for animals used for such purposes, and ensuring that the animals are not subjected to unnecessary burdens. The Regulation does not apply (a) non-experimental agricultural and aquaculture activities b) non-experimental clinical veterinary activities (c) clinical trials of veterinary medicinal products when necessary to obtain or retain a marketing authorization; (d) ordinary breeding and keeping procedures e) simple identification of animals (f) actions which there are no grounds for believing will cause the animal pain, fear, permanent injury or other burden equivalent or greater than by inserting a needle in accordance with good veterinary practice. The Regulation sets out the purposes for which experiments on animals may be carried out and sets out the procedures for such experiments.
Consolidated version of Regulation No. 761 of 2015 as amended last by Regulation No. 451 of 2017.
Regulation on the use of animals in experiments.
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