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This Law makes provision with respect to a wide variety of matters regarding animal health and welfare. The Law shall apply also to fish and shall apply in Svalbard, Jan Mayen and other territories. Rules are made for, among other things: marking of animals, slaughter, keeping and transportation of animals, health care, experiments involving animals, animal breeding and trade in animals. The King may place restrictions on or prohibit the production of or trade in products of certain animals.
This Law makes provision with respect to a wide variety of matters regarding animal health and welfare. The Law shall apply also to fish and shall apply in Svalbard, Jan Mayen and other territories. Rules are made for, among other things: marking of animals, slaughter, keeping and transportation of animals, health care, experiments involving animals, animal breeding and trade in animals. The King may place restrictions on or prohibit the production of or trade in products of certain animals.
The text in Norwegian is a consolidated version of Act No. 97 of 2009 as amended last by Act No. 4 of 2018.
Act No. 97 of 2009 relating to animal welfare (Animal Welfare Act)
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