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Scope of these Regulations is to harmonize the existing Cypriot legislation with a number of European Directives relating to certain -partly or wholly- dehydrated preserved milk for human consumption. The text includes extensive Annexes dealing with definitions of products and product names, specifications on the preparation and labelling, methods of analysis carried out in official laboratories.
Scope of these Regulations is to harmonize the existing Cypriot legislation with a number of European Directives relating to certain -partly or wholly- dehydrated preserved milk for human consumption. The text includes extensive Annexes dealing with definitions of products and product names, specifications on the preparation and labelling, methods of analysis carried out in official laboratories.
The date of publication on the Official Gazette is used herewith as date of text.
Dehydrated preserved milk Regulations, 2002 (P.I. 432 of 2002).
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