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The purpose of this Act is to secure conditions for national and regional electricity market and the EU's internal electricity market to be efficient, safe and environmentally sustainable, so that end users are guaranteed a good electricity supply security, competitive electricity prices and reasonable service principles. In order to obtain this goal, the Act establishes methods to ensure effective economic competition in the production and supply of electricity and to maintain fair and equitable service principles in their network operations.
The Act consists of Sections: General provisions (1); Electricity network (2); Electricity production and supply (3); Obligations on electricity market (4); Electricity contracts (5); Enforcement and penalties (6); Special provisions (7).
The purpose of this Act is to secure conditions for national and regional electricity market and the EU's internal electricity market to be efficient, safe and environmentally sustainable, so that end users are guaranteed a good electricity supply security, competitive electricity prices and reasonable service principles. In order to obtain this goal, the Act establishes methods to ensure effective economic competition in the production and supply of electricity and to maintain fair and equitabl
Electricity Market Act (2013/588).
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