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This Environmental Protection Law, consisting of 13 Parts divided into 99 articles, defines principles, regulations and measures related to environmental management, monitoring of protection, control, preservation and rehabilitation, with quality, of mitigating impacts and pollution created by anthropogenic loads or by nature, aiming to provide balance between social and natural environment, to sustain and to protect natural resources and public health; and contribution into the national socio-economic development and reduction of global warming. Environmental protection means application of methods and measures for environmental protection, conservation and rehabilitation, pollution control, environmental emergency and natural disasters; and for creation of green, clean and beautiful environment without pollutions and impacts on human life and health, animals, plants and ecosystem.
The environmental protection shall follow the following principles: 1. Socio-economic development aligned with sustainable protection of social and natural environment; 2. Prevention of social and natural environment as key tasks while rehabilitation of social and natural environment as significant tasks; 3. Active participation and consultation of individuals and organizations into protection of social and natural environment; 4. Utilization of natural resources, raw materials and energy with economical and rational manners, utmost benefits and the least impacts on the environment; and 5. Liabilities in damages of social or natural environment resulted by an offender s action, with the evidences and application of the Pollution Control Standard as the obligations of him or her. Article 13 deals with Environmental Protection Practices such as: 1. Environmental prevention 2. Pollution control 3. Toxic chemical control and waste disposal 4. Environmental certification and permission 5. Promotion and public participation.
The protection and development of forest and other natural resources focus on management and development of forest categories such as: protection forest, conservation forest, production forest, including watershed forest; tree species and NTFPs, in order to promote sustainable supplies of timbers and forest products and other natural resources, protection of soil quality and prevention against erosion, protection of water resources, aquatic and wild animals, and environment, and to promote income generation for state, organizations and individuals via forestation, restoration and protection of forests and other natural resources.
This Environmental Protection Law, consisting of 13 Parts divided into 99 articles, defines principles, regulations and measures related to environmental management, monitoring of protection, control, preservation and rehabilitation, with quality, of mitigating impacts and pollution created by anthropogenic loads or by nature, aiming to provide balance between social and natural environment, to sustain and to protect natural resources and public health; and contribution into the national socio-e
Unofficial translation.
Environmental Protection Law 2013 (Revised Version No. 29/NA).
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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Plastic waste