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These Regulations give effect to Council Directive 95/53/EC, Commission Directive 98/68/EC and Council Directive 99/20/EC. They lay down conditions and arrangements for official inspections in the field of animal nutrition. Inspections shall be carried out as provided in Article 4 of Council Directive 95/53/EC and in accordance with European Community rules in the field of animal nutrition. These Regulations apply to official inspections in the field of animal nutrition, but without prejudice to any more specific provisions in legislation concerning customs, veterinary checks, animal health and public health. They extend to products intended for export to Member States or other countries as well as to imported products and products produced or intended for consumption or use within the State. The Regulations provide for manner of inspection, notice of intention to import product, documentary and random identity checks, directions relating to imported product, appointment and powers of authorized officers.
These Regulations give effect to Council Directive 95/53/EC, Commission Directive 98/68/EC and Council Directive 99/20/EC. They lay down conditions and arrangements for official inspections in the field of animal nutrition. Inspections shall be carried out as provided in Article 4 of Council Directive 95/53/EC and in accordance with European Community rules in the field of animal nutrition. These Regulations apply to official inspections in the field of animal nutrition, but without prejudice to
European Communities (Animal Nutrition Inspections) Regulations, 2000 (S.I. 4 of 2000).
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