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These Regulations provide penalties for breaches of Regulation No. 1774/2002 of the European Parliament and the Council, gives effect to Directive 2002/33/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and increases the penalty for breaches of certain provisions and ancillary matters. Health requirement rules concern incorporation of used cooking oil in feed, approval of incineration and other plants, burial of animals, sale of an animal by-product to be restricted to fixed premises, placing on the market of petfood, dogchews or technical products, organs or fat, etc. Other provisions deal with notices, powers of authorized officers, etc.
These Regulations provide penalties for breaches of Regulation No. 1774/2002 of the European Parliament and the Council, gives effect to Directive 2002/33/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and increases the penalty for breaches of certain provisions and ancillary matters. Health requirement rules concern incorporation of used cooking oil in feed, approval of incineration and other plants, burial of animals, sale of an animal by-product to be restricted to fixed premises, placing o
European Communities (Animal By-products) Regulations 2003 (S.I. No. 248).
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