These Regulations establish legally binding quality objectives for all surface waters and environmental quality standards for pollutants for purposes of implementing provisions of Community legislation on protection of surface waters.
The Environment Protection Agency (EPA) shall classify surface waters and establish inventories of priority substances (as defined). Public authorities shall review existing discharge authorizations to ensure that the emission limits laid down in authorizations are in compliance with the new water quality objectives or standards. Local authorities shall, in consultation with EPA, draw up of pollution reduction plans to reduce pollution by priority substances and to cease and/or phase out discharges, emissions or losses of priority hazardous substances. The Regulations also concern the protection of designated habitats.
The Environment Protection Agency (EPA) shall classify surface waters and establish inventories of priority substances (as defined). Public authorities shall review existing discharge authorizations to ensure that the emission limits laid down in authorizations are in compliance with the new water quality objectives or standards. Local authorities shall, in consultation with EPA, draw up of pollution reduction plans to reduce pollution by priority substances and to cease and/or phase out discharges, emissions or losses of priority hazardous substances. The Regulations also concern the protection of designated habitats.
These Regulations establish legally binding quality objectives for all surface waters and environmental quality standards for pollutants for purposes of implementing provisions of Community legislation on protection of surface waters.
European Communities Environmental Objectives (Surface Waters) Regulations 2009 (S.I. No. 272 of 2009).
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