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An Act replacing the previous one of 1974 on the same subject to regulate the work of the above-mentioned Federal Office for the management of water resources; its head office is based in Vienna. It is monitored by the Federal Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry. Its tasks relate, inter alia, to the collection of data, the setting up of libraries, the improvement of water management methods, the preparation of reports, of statistics, etc. Article 5 governs the internal organization of the said Office. The Act consists of 20 articles divided into 3 Parts.
Part II of the above-mentioned Act introduces some amendments to the Water Resources Management Act (BGBl. No. 148/1996).
An Act replacing the previous one of 1974 on the same subject to regulate the work of the above-mentioned Federal Office for the management of water resources; its head office is based in Vienna. It is monitored by the Federal Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry. Its tasks relate, inter alia, to the collection of data, the setting up of libraries, the improvement of water management methods, the preparation of reports, of statistics, etc. Article 5 governs the internal organization of the said
This Act replaces the previous one of 1974 on the same subject.The present Act is consolidated as of 79/2004.
Federal Act on the Federal Office for Water and amendment of the Water Resources Management Act.
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