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An Act to regulate the financial provisions of the management and improvement of water resource plants of Austria. The Act contains at the outset a definition of various terms therein employed, such as "regional studies", "general projects", "plants for waste disposal", etc. The requirements for the granting of funds for public water installations are contained in articles 3 and 4. The Law deals also with the embankment of the Danube and other rivers; moreover, it establishes the improvement of the sewage system, the protection and maintenance of mountainous areas. The specific water supply and waste water disposals plants are dealt with in article 13. The Act consists of 32 articles.
An Act to regulate the financial provisions of the management and improvement of water resource plants of Austria. The Act contains at the outset a definition of various terms therein employed, such as "regional studies", "general projects", "plants for waste disposal", etc. The requirements for the granting of funds for public water installations are contained in articles 3 and 4. The Law deals also with the embankment of the Danube and other rivers; moreover, it establishes the improvement of
The present Act is consolidated as of BGBl. I No. 61/2018 .
Waterworks Promotion Act 1985.
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