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The Ordinance refers to the correct use of fertilizers in agriculture. Article 2 prescribes principles for the use of fertilizers in general. For example, how they have to be used and the required tools. Special requirements for fertilizers of animal origin are dealt with in article 3. Then it sets out the criteria to establish the appropriate fertilizer in areas in which a specific kind of cereal is cultivated. Finally, article 7 specifies penalties in case of violation of this Law. The Ordinance consists of 9 articles.
The Ordinance refers to the correct use of fertilizers in agriculture. Article 2 prescribes principles for the use of fertilizers in general. For example, how they have to be used and the required tools. Special requirements for fertilizers of animal origin are dealt with in article 3. Then it sets out the criteria to establish the appropriate fertilizer in areas in which a specific kind of cereal is cultivated. Finally, article 7 specifies penalties in case of violation of this Law. The Ordinan
Fertilizers Ordinance.
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