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The present Law lays down provisions relating to competences in view of the enforcement of the following Acts: Food Security Act of 20 August 1990; Fertilizer Ordinance of 26 January 1996; Wine Act of 16 May 2001; Ecological Production Act of 10 July 2002; Plant Protection Act in its version of 14 May 1998; Seeds Marketing Act of 10 August 1985. The text consists of 16 articles.
The present Law lays down provisions relating to competences in view of the enforcement of the following Acts: Food Security Act of 20 August 1990; Fertilizer Ordinance of 26 January 1996; Wine Act of 16 May 2001; Ecological Production Act of 10 July 2002; Plant Protection Act in its version of 14 May 1998; Seeds Marketing Act of 10 August 1985. The text consists of 16 articles.
The present Law is consolidated as of 7 May 2013.
Agriculture and Forestry Competence Ordinance.
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