An Act to protect plants and plant products from harmful organisms, to control dangers incurring from use of pesticides, with special regard to the health of human beings and animals and finally to implement EU-guidelines. The consolidated text consists of 45 articles divided into 10 Parts: General Provisions (I) - Sphere of application - Definitions of terms such as, for example, "plant protection", "plants", "plant products", "harmful organisms", "residues", "Member States", etc. Plant protection (II) - Putting into effect plant protection measures - Measures to prevent introduction of diseases from other Member States; Use of pesticides (III) - Special regulations for use - Prohibition of use - Competence of regions - Use of pesticides for experiments; Marketing of Pesticides (IV) - Application for authorization - Conditions for authorization by the Federal Institute of Biology - New Research - Authorization of pesticides used in other Member States - Termination of authorization;Plant protection tools (V) - Marketing and importation of such tool - List of tools issued by the Federal Institute of Biology - Examination - Direction for use - Authorization; Additives and active substances (VI) - Marketing - Conditions for authorization - Examination - Additives in particular - Marketing of active substances used in plant protection; Indemnities (VII); Authorities, survey (VIII) - The Federal Institute of Biology - Implementation of this Act in the L nder - Costs; Duty to give information, transmission of data, penalties (IX); Final provisions (X).
An Act to protect plants and plant products from harmful organisms, to control dangers incurring from use of pesticides, with special regard to the health of human beings and animals and finally to implement EU-guidelines. The consolidated text consists of 45 articles divided into 10 Parts: General Provisions (I) - Sphere of application - Definitions of terms such as, for example, "plant protection", "plants", "plant products", "harmful organisms", "residues", "Member States", etc. Plant protect
The present Act, in this version of 14 May 1998, is consolidated as of 2 November 2011.
Plant Protection Act.
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