An Act to protect plants and plant products from harmful organisms, to control dangers incurring from use of pesticides, with special regard to the health of human beings and animals and finally to implement EU-guidelines. The consolidated text consists of 74 articles divided into 14 Parts: General Provisions (1); Putting into effect plant protection measures (2); General requirements for users, dealers and manufacturers of plant protection products and plant protection advisers (3); Application of plant protection substances (4); Delivery, return and export of pesticides (5); Marketing of plant protection substances, licensing procedures (6);Marketing of other substances, authorization and approval procedures (7); Parallel trade (8); Plant protection tools (9); Compensation, subrogation, costs (10); Authorities, surveillance (11); Duty to give information and duty to notify, transmission of data, confidentiality (12); Penalties and fines (13); Final provisions (14).
An Act to protect plants and plant products from harmful organisms, to control dangers incurring from use of pesticides, with special regard to the health of human beings and animals and finally to implement EU-guidelines. The consolidated text consists of 74 articles divided into 14 Parts: General Provisions (1); Putting into effect plant protection measures (2); General requirements for users, dealers and manufacturers of plant protection products and plant protection advisers (3); Application
Consolidated version of the Plant Protection Act as last amended by the Act on the Protection of Insect Diversity in Germany and on the Amendment of Other Provisions No.59 p.3908.
Plant Protection Act.
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