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The present Act introduces some amendments to the Federal Nature Protection Act of 25 March 2002 (BGBl. I p. 1193). In particular, the Act repeals article 36 on Impacts from emissions; it amends article 34 on Impact assessment, inadmissible projects, exemptions; and article 37 on Relationship to other provisions. Moreover, it rewords article 62 on Exemptions.
The present Act introduces some amendments to the Federal Nature Protection Act of 25 March 2002 (BGBl. I p. 1193). In particular, the Act repeals article 36 on Impacts from emissions; it amends article 34 on Impact assessment, inadmissible projects, exemptions; and article 37 on Relationship to other provisions. Moreover, it rewords article 62 on Exemptions.
A small correction is added to the present Act by BGBl., Part I, No. 3, 25 January, p. 47.
First Act amending the Federal Nature Protection Act.
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