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This Act aims at enabling the customary owners of timber to dispose of their timber to any person. The owners by customs of any timber in a Local Forest Area may, after consent by the Minister, dispose of the timber and other rights specified in section 5. The Minister shall declare upon application and after he is satisfied that certain conditions have been fulfilled, declare an area to be a Local Forest Area (sect. 4). The Head of State may, by Notice in the Official Gazette appoint a body as the prescribed authority for the purposes of this Act (sect. 7) and may make regulations to implement the provisions of this Act.
This Act aims at enabling the customary owners of timber to dispose of their timber to any person. The owners by customs of any timber in a Local Forest Area may, after consent by the Minister, dispose of the timber and other rights specified in section 5. The Minister shall declare upon application and after he is satisfied that certain conditions have been fulfilled, declare an area to be a Local Forest Area (sect. 4). The Head of State may, by Notice in the Official Gazette appoint a body as
This Act shall be incorporated in, and be read as one with the Forestry Act.No precise indication regarding the date of this text is available, but it seems to be a Reprint of 1976.
Forestry (Private Dealings) Act (Chap. No. 217).
Papua New Guinea
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