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This Government Ordinance, which is composed of 30 articles and four Annexes, sets out veterinary requirements applicable to the importation from third countries of the following: bovines and swines intended for breeding or slaughtering; domestic sheep or goats intended for reproduction, breeding, fattening or slaughterings; fresh meat of domestic bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats and solipeds; fresh meat from wild solipeds and cloven-hoofed; meat-based products.
This Government Ordinance, which is composed of 30 articles and four Annexes, sets out veterinary requirements applicable to the importation from third countries of the following: bovines and swines intended for breeding or slaughtering; domestic sheep or goats intended for reproduction, breeding, fattening or slaughterings; fresh meat of domestic bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats and solipeds; fresh meat from wild solipeds and cloven-hoofed; meat-based products.
Government Ordinance on health and veterinary inspection matters concerning imports of bovines, swines, sheep, goats, fresh meat and meat products from third countries.
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