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The Governmental Ordinance, which is composed of 25 articles and four Annexes, establishes animal health requirements applicable to transport, trade with European Community Member States and import from third countries of animals, semen, ova and embryos. Provisions concerning trade with European Community Member States are specified in articles from 3 to 15, whereas article 20 applies to importation from third countries.
The Governmental Ordinance, which is composed of 25 articles and four Annexes, establishes animal health requirements applicable to transport, trade with European Community Member States and import from third countries of animals, semen, ova and embryos. Provisions concerning trade with European Community Member States are specified in articles from 3 to 15, whereas article 20 applies to importation from third countries.
Governmental Ordinance on animal health requirements for transport, trade with other European Community Member States and import from third countries of animals, semen, ova and embryos.
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