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The aim of the above-mentioned Guideline is to promote biodiversity, nature conservation and nature experience, as well as natural assets as potential for sustainable tourism and to protect the recreational value of nature and landscape in accordance with article 2, numbers 11 and 12, of the Federal Nature Protection Act. To this end the Land Lower Saxony grants an aid to implements the afore-mentioned objectives, with a particular view to the European project Nature 2000 Experience Nature and Sustainable Development . The text consists of 8 articles.
The aim of the above-mentioned Guideline is to promote biodiversity, nature conservation and nature experience, as well as natural assets as potential for sustainable tourism and to protect the recreational value of nature and landscape in accordance with article 2, numbers 11 and 12, of the Federal Nature Protection Act. To this end the Land Lower Saxony grants an aid to implements the afore-mentioned objectives, with a particular view to the European project “Nature 2000 – Experience Nature an
Guidelines on the granting of subsidies to promote the experience of nature and sustainable development in pilot regions, particularly in relation to Natura 2000 (Promotion Guideline - "Experience Nature and Sustainable Development").
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