The present Ordinance lays down provisions relating to competent authorities responsible for emission protection. Article 1 establishes that the Environment Office Brandenburg shall deal with all sorts of emissions, such as noise emission, gas emission, greenhouse gas emissions trade, as well as with matters concerning climate protection, ozone layers, radiation, etc. The text consists of 16 articles as follows: Competences of the Environment Office Brandenburg (1); Transfer of power to issue regulations (2); Competent members of the Environment Ministry (3); Competences of expropriation authorities (4); Competences of the Labour Protection Office (5); Competences of various local offices (6); Competences of the police (7); Competences of construction offices (8); Competences of the Disasters Office (9); Competences of the Central Office for security (10); Competences of traffic offices (11); Competences of small towns (12); Competences of municipalities (13); General surveillance competences (14); Transitional provisions, empowerment (15); Entry into force, repeal (16).
The present Ordinance lays down provisions relating to competent authorities responsible for emission protection. Article 1 establishes that the Environment Office Brandenburg shall deal with all sorts of emissions, such as noise emission, gas emission, greenhouse gas emissions trade, as well as with matters concerning climate protection, ozone layers, radiation, etc. The text consists of 16 articles as follows: Competences of the Environment Office Brandenburg (1); Transfer of power to issue re
The present Ordinance repeals the previous Ordinance of 29 October 2002 on the same subject.The present Ordinance is consolidated as of 5 Septemner 2014.
Emission Protection Competence Ordinance.
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