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It is the purpose of the present Act to protect human beings, animals and plants, the soil, water, the atmosphere as well as cultural assets and other material goods against harmful effects on the environment and, to the extent that this concerns installations subject to licensing, also from hazards, considerable disadvantages and considerable nuisance caused in any other way, and to take precautions against the emergence of any such harmful effects on the environment. The latest amendments of the Act provide for the placing of biofuel in the market, crediting electronic-based fuels, generating hydropower for motor vehicles.
The text consists of 73 articles divided into 8 Parts as follows: General provisions (I); Establishment and operation of installations (II); Nature of installations, substances, products, fuels and lubricants; biofuels (III); Nature and operation of vehicles and craft, construction of and alterations to roads and railtracks (IV); Monitoring and improvement of air quality, clean air plans (V); Noise abatement plans (VI); Joint provisions (VII); Final provisions (VIII). One Annex is enclosed.
It is the purpose of the present Act to protect human beings, animals and plants, the soil, water, the atmosphere as well as cultural assets and other material goods against harmful effects on the environment and, to the extent that this concerns installations subject to licensing, also from hazards, considerable disadvantages and considerable nuisance caused in any other way, and to take precautions against the emergence of any such harmful effects on the environment. The text consists of 73 ar
Consolidated version of the Federal Immission Control Act amended by the Act on the further development of the greenhouse gas reduction published under No. 4458 at Bundesgesetzblatt.
Federal Emission Control Act.
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