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The present Law lays down provisions relating to the protection against air pollution, noise pollution and similar adverse effects on the environment. In particular, it applies to the construction and operating of installations, as well as to the behaviour of persons, in so far as they can cause adverse effects on the environment. In principle, anybody shall have to behave in such a way that the said effects may be avoided to the extent that it is possible and reasonable. In installing new plants precautions against adverse effects shall have to be taken with a view to protect the environment. Finally, as far as this does not involve unreasonable cost, due regard is to be paid to technological developments. The text consists of 22 articles. Furthermore, the present Law implements the Federal Immission Act of 14 May 1990.
The present Law lays down provisions relating to the protection against air pollution, noise pollution and similar adverse effects on the environment. In particular, it applies to the construction and operating of installations, as well as to the behaviour of persons, in so far as they can cause adverse effects on the environment. In principle, anybody shall have to behave in such a way that the said effects may be avoided to the extent that it is possible and reasonable. In installing new plant
The present Ordinance is consolidated as of 5 July 2011.
Nordrhein-Westfalen Imission Protection Law.
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