The present Ordinance implements the Federal Emission Control Act in its version of 16 September 2002 ((BGBl. I p. 3831). In particular, the Ordinance lays down provisions relating to competent authorities responsible for the implementation of federal provisions on air pollution control. The text consists of 10 articles as follows: Emission control authorities (1); Policy responsibility for the enforcement of the Federal Emission Control Act (2); Derogating competence of article 2 for Ordinances enforcing the Federal Emission Control Act (3); Competences relating to enforcement of the Major Accidents Ordinance (4); Competences relating to the implementation of the Law enforcing the Council Directive 96/82/EC on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances of 9 December 1996 (5); Monitoring and improving air quality, air pollution control measures, traffic restrictions, noise abatement measures (6); Disclosure of measuring points and experts for safety tests (7); Competences relating to the implementation of the Law enforcing the Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (8);Competence relating to the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trade Act (9); Responsibilities of the Government Presidium of Freiburg (10).
The present Ordinance implements the Federal Immission Control Act in its version of 16 September 2002 ((BGBl. I p. 3831). In particular, the Ordinance lays down provisions relating to competent authorities responsible for the implementation of federal provisions on air pollution control. The text consists of 10 articles as follows: Immission control authorities (1); Policy responsibility for the enforcement of the Federal Immission Control Act (2); Derogating competence of article 2 for Ordinan
The present Ordinance is consolidated as of 17 December 2013.
Emission Protection Competence Ordinance.
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