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The present Law implements the federal legislation on chemicals. In particular, the Law implements the Annexes of the Ordinance on reduction of risks resulting from chemicals of 18 May 2005. The provisions contained in the Annexes deal with: a) prohibitions on the use of pesticides; b) the use of timber protection substances; c) reduction of use of certain fertilizers; and d) the use of certain substances on streets. The text consists of 4 articles.
The present Law implements the federal legislation on chemicals. In particular, the Law implements the Annexes of the Ordinance on reduction of risks resulting from chemicals of 18 May 2005. The provisions contained in the Annexes deal with: a) prohibitions on the use of pesticides; b) the use of timber protection substances; c) reduction of use of certain fertilizers; and d) the use of certain substances on streets. The text consists of 4 articles.
Introductory Law implementing the federal legislation on chemicals.
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