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The present Law completes the federal hunting legislation and regulates its enforcement. In particular, the Law implements the Federal Act on hunting and protection of wild mammals and birds of 20 June 1986. Article 2 establishes that the Canton is entrusted with the sovereign right of hunting and the right to dispose of game. Furthermore, the Canton regulates and plans hunting activities and ensures an adequate supervision. The text consists of 51 articles divided into 9 Parts as follows: General provisions (I); Hunting rights (II); Hunting practice (III); Protection of wild fauna and birds (IV); Damage resulting from game (V); Organization (VI); Powers of organs responsible for protection of game (VII); Penalties and legal protection (VIII); Final provisions (IX).
The present Law completes the federal hunting legislation and regulates its enforcement. In particular, the Law implements the Federal Act on hunting and protection of wild mammals and birds of 20 June 1986. Article 2 establishes that the Canton is entrusted with the sovereign right of hunting and the right to dispose of game. Furthermore, the Canton regulates and plans hunting activities and ensures an adequate supervision. The text consists of 51 articles divided into 9 Parts as follows: Gener
The present Law is consolidated as of 9 June 2010.
Introductory Law relating to the Federal Act on hunting and protection of wild mammals and birds (Cantonal Hunting Law).
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