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The present Law enforces the Federal Inland Navigation Act of 3 October 1975. In particular, the Law sets out in details the competent authorities in the Canton responsible for the enforcement of the aforementioned Cantonal Law. The text consists of 21 articles divided into 4 Parts as follows: General provisions (I); Practice of navigation (II); Taxes and fees (III); Fees, legal protection and penalties (IV); Enforcement and final provisions (V).
The present Law enforces the Federal Inland Navigation Act of 3 October 1975. In particular, the Law sets out in details the competent authorities in the Canton responsible for the enforcement of the aforementioned Cantonal Law. The text consists of 21 articles divided into 4 Parts as follows: General provisions (I); Practice of navigation (II); Taxes and fees (III); Fees, legal protection and penalties (IV); Enforcement and final provisions (V).
The present Law is consolidated as of 22 October 2008.
Introductory Law relating to the Federal Inland Navigation Act (Inland Navigation Law).
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