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The present Law implements the Federal Civil and Population Protection Act of 4 October 2002 and the Federal Act of 6 October 1966 on protection of cultural heritage in case of armed conflict, disasters or emergency situation. In particular, the present Law lays down provisions relating to the correct and efficient implementation of the afore-mentioned Federal Act. The text consists of 19 articles divided in 9 Parts as follows: Tasks (I); Organization (II); Vocational training (III); Competences (IV); Schutzbauten (V); Cultural heritage protection (VI); Financing (VII); Data retrieval (VIII); Final provisions (IX).
The present Law implements the Federal Civil and Population Protection Act of 4 October 2002 and the Federal Act of 6 October 1966 on protection of cultural heritage in case of armed conflict, disasters or emergency situation. In particular, the present Law lays down provisions relating to the correct and efficient implementation of the afore-mentioned Federal Act. The text consists of 19 articles divided in 9 Parts as follows: Tasks (I); Organization (II); Vocational training (III); Competences
Law on civil protection.
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