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The present Law lays down provisions relating to fisheries. Fishery, including the catch of crabs, frogs and other water animal is a sovereign right of the Canton. In case of brooks passing through private property, owners are granted fishing rights. Fishing from the banks of a natural lake is free of charge. The Canton may establish fish breeding places associations or grant subsidies to third parties to enhance the fish stock. Waterworks, granting of concessions and others shall respect fishing interests and fishing rights. The text consists of 10 articles.
The present Law lays down provisions relating to fisheries. Fishery, including the catch of crabs, frogs and other water animal is a sovereign right of the Canton. In case of brooks passing through private property, owners are granted fishing rights. Fishing from the banks of a natural lake is free of charge. The Canton may establish fish breeding places associations or grant subsidies to third parties to enhance the fish stock. Waterworks, granting of concessions and others shall respect fishin
The present Law is consolidated as of 17 December 2013.
Law on fisheries.
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