This Plant Protection Law, consisting of nine Chapters, defines rules, regulations related and measures related to organization, management and inspection of plant protection in order to prevent pest from spreading within, into and out of the country. Its objectives are: to protect human, animal and plant health and safe environment; to ensure growing of plant and plant s product in quantity and quality response to domestic demand which contributes to develop livelihoods of Lao people and promote the development of foreign economic relations and trade and to participate and contributes to sustainable social and economic development. Article 2. Plant Protection Plant Protection, according to this law and in comply with International Plant Protection Convention, is the control and inspection of plant, plant s product and regulated article which are moving from its originate area to another area with the aim to restrict and prevent pest from spreading within, into and out of Lao People s Democracy Republic s territory.
The Government promotes plant protection through the development of supportive policies, law, regulation and provisions on tax, duty, credit, technique and technology that is favorable to facilitate individuals, families and organization in the implementation of plant protection in order to response to national social and economic development. Plant Protection shall be implemented based on following principles: Ensure centralized and harmonized management throughout the country; Safe interest of state, community, family and entrepreneur; Bearing in mind the importance of eco-systems, health and safety of plants, people and animals for achieving the short and long term benefit of society; Plant protection shall be implemented in harmony with promoting agricultural production and sustain agriculture and forestry development and together with directives, policies, laws, rules and regulations of Lao and the relevant international agreements or conventions of which Lao is a contracting party. In addition, this Law applies to control the dissemination of pests within the county; to manage and inspect import, export and transit of all type of plant to ensure safety and sanitary requirements of plant, human and animal.
This Law is divided as follows: General Provisions (Chap. I); Plant Protection Activities (Chap. II); Rights, Duties and Obligations of Plant Protection Authority and Entrepreneurs (Chap. III); Prohibitions (Chap. IV); Conflict resolution (Chap. V); Administration and Inspection (Chap. VI); Uniforms, insignia and Seal (Chap. VII); Rewards and Penalties (Chap. VIII); Final Provisions (Chap. IX).
The Government promotes plant protection through the development of supportive policies, law, regulation and provisions on tax, duty, credit, technique and technology that is favorable to facilitate individuals, families and organization in the implementation of plant protection in order to response to national social and economic development. Plant Protection shall be implemented based on following principles: Ensure centralized and harmonized management throughout the country; Safe interest of state, community, family and entrepreneur; Bearing in mind the importance of eco-systems, health and safety of plants, people and animals for achieving the short and long term benefit of society; Plant protection shall be implemented in harmony with promoting agricultural production and sustain agriculture and forestry development and together with directives, policies, laws, rules and regulations of Lao and the relevant international agreements or conventions of which Lao is a contracting party. In addition, this Law applies to control the dissemination of pests within the county; to manage and inspect import, export and transit of all type of plant to ensure safety and sanitary requirements of plant, human and animal.
This Law is divided as follows: General Provisions (Chap. I); Plant Protection Activities (Chap. II); Rights, Duties and Obligations of Plant Protection Authority and Entrepreneurs (Chap. III); Prohibitions (Chap. IV); Conflict resolution (Chap. V); Administration and Inspection (Chap. VI); Uniforms, insignia and Seal (Chap. VII); Rewards and Penalties (Chap. VIII); Final Provisions (Chap. IX).
This Plant Protection Law, consisting of nine Chapters, defines rules, regulations related and measures related to organization, management and inspection of plant protection in order to prevent pest from spreading within, into and out of the country. Its objectives are: to protect human, animal and plant health and safe environment; to ensure growing of plant and plant’s product in quantity and quality response to domestic demand which contributes to develop livelihoods of Lao people and promot
This Law was approved by National Assembly Resolution No. 226/NA and promulgated by National Assembly Decree No. 110/OP.
Law No. 06/NA on Plant Protection.
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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