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The Law, consisting of 89 articles divided into eleven Chapters, establishes Plant Protection and Quarantine. It establishes the principles, regulations and measures on management, monitoring, inspection of plant protection and quarantine activities with the aims of preventing pest out breaks within country, preventing the introduction and spread of pests and diseases from abroad into Lao PDR and from Lao PDR to other countries, securing the health of plants, protecting the environment, ensuring food security and commercial production, increasing quantitatively and qualitatively in line with direction on clean agriculture, green growth and sustainable development , and contributing to trade, security and development of the country.
The State promotes plant protection and quarantine activities through the development of favorable conditions to enable effective implementation of activities including constructing infrastructure, developing and training human resources, carrying out research on science and modern technology, developing information, pest forecasting, and allocating budget and providing technical equipment. The State encourages any natural or legal person, or organization to participate, invest and support plant protection and quarantine businesses including establishing pest free areas, developing organizations for plant protection and quarantine technical services, recovering affected cultivation and losses resulting from pest outbreaks. Article 5. (amendment) Principles on Plant Protection and Quarantine Plant Protection and quarantine shall be implemented based on following principles: 1. Ensuring centralized and harmonized management throughout the country; 2. Harmoniously integrating the interests of the State, community, family and entrepreneur both domestic and foreign. 3. Paying attention to the importance of ecosystems, safety and health of plants, people and animals for achieving the short and long term benefit of society. 4. Using integrated pest management techniques for plant protection and plant quarantine. 5. Comply with international standards, agreements and conventions to which Lao PDR is a contracting party. Article 6. (amendment) Scope This Law applies to any natural or legal person, or organization within and outside the country engaged in manufacturing, sale, import, export, re-export, transit, and use of plants, plant products and other regulated articles, and plant protection and quarantine activities in Lao PDR.
Plant protection activities are as follows: 1. Development of a regulated pest list; 2. Emergency response plan for pest outbreak; 3. Surveillance and pest control; 4. Reporting of a regulated pest; 5. Identification of a regulated pest; 6. Declaration of pest outbreak area; 7. Control measures in quarantine areas and buffer zones; 8. Phytosanitary measures; 9. Cancellation of quarantine area declaration ; 10. Pest-free production site, pest-free place of production, area of low pest prevalence and pest-free area; 11. Use of pesticide and biological control agents. 12. Other plant protection activities. This Law is divided as follows: General Provisions (Chap. I); Plant Protection (Chap. II); Plant Quarantine (Chap. III); Plant Protection and Quarantine Businesses (Chap. IV); Rights, duties and obligations of an entrepreneur or owner of an establishment or plant (Chap. V); Prohibition (Chap. VI); Resolution of conflicts (Chap. VII); Administration and inspection of plant protection and quarantine (Chap. VIII); Uniforms, insignia and Seal (Chap. IX); Rewards and Penalties (Chap. X); Final Provisions (Chap. XI).
The Law, consisting of 89 articles divided into eleven Chapters, establishes Plant Protection and Quarantine. It establishes the principles, regulations and measures on management, monitoring, inspection of plant protection and quarantine activities with the aims of preventing pest out breaks within country, preventing the introduction and spread of pests and diseases from abroad into Lao PDR and from Lao PDR to other countries, securing the health of plants, protecting the environment, ensuring
Law No. 13/NA on Plant Protection and Quarantine.
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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