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Veterinary activity includes any kind of activity, oriented towards the protection against diseases of all animal species, including birds, bees, silk worms, crayfish, fish, frogs, shellfish and other representatives of the fauna, spread on the territory of the republic, the prevention of disease transmission from animals to men and from men to animals, the insurance of the sanitary-veterinary control of fabrication of products and raw material of wholesome animal and vegetal origin (Article 1). The veterinary service shall be a system of unified veterinary administration authorities, institutions, organizations, enterprises, cooperatives and small enterprises with a veterinary orientation, as well as veterinary specialists, realizing a set of special measures for the prevention of diseases and treatment of animals, the sanitary veterinary expertise of products and raw material of animal and vegetal origin (Article 4). The competence of the State Veterinary Service shall include the following items: 1) exerting state veterinary survey; 2) the elaboration and realization, together with health institutions, of measures on prophylaxis and liquidation of common for men and animals diseases focuses; 3) the elaboration and approval of standards, technical-normative documentation for the veterinary preparations, equipment, instruments, fodder supplements and other means of veterinary usage, made within the republic, and the control over the imported goods for the prophylaxis and the diagnosis of diseases and the treatment of animals; 4) certification of meat factories, butcher points and other objectives and issuance of permits for the right of fabrication, procession, transportation and storage of products and raw materials of animal origin, as well as for the right of production and commercialization of veterinary usage means, and in case of necessity, the interdiction of the mentioned activities; 5) the carrying out of laboratory researches aiming at the diagnosis of animals, the sanitary veterinary assessment of products and raw materials of animal origin in accordance with the regulations in force, as well as for their export and the detection of cases of food intoxication; 6) the issue of notices regarding the causes of death of animals and the usage products of animal origin (Article 10).
Veterinary activity includes any kind of activity, oriented towards the protection against diseases of all animal species, including birds, bees, silk worms, crayfish, fish, frogs, shellfish and other representatives of the fauna, spread on the territory of the republic, the prevention of disease transmission from animals to men and from men to animals, the insurance of the sanitary-veterinary control of fabrication of products and raw material of wholesome animal and vegetal origin (Article 1).
Unofficial translation.
Law No. 1538-XII on the veterinary activity.
Republic of Moldova
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