In addition to producing electric power from renewable energy sources, as set forth in law No. 3468/2006, the present law establishes climate protection as another strategic objective, of the highest importance for the country, in environmental and energetic terms. The text of the law makes amendments to various legislative texts regarding this issue. Articles 2 to 11establish procedures for obtaining a license to produce electric power, the approval of environmental impacts of the plants and their inclusion to the national network of electricity, pricing of the energy produced, marine eolic parks and energy efficiency in buildings. Article 12 which deal with miscellaneous provisions, amends, amongst others, article 2 of law No. 3010/2002 on the institution of new aquaculture plants. Law No. 2742/1999 provides for the Special Framework of Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development for Aquaculture. During the transitional period and until the Special Framework has been approved and for a maximum time limit of one year from the entry into force of the present law, in order to establish new units of aquaculture plants, or to relocate, modernize, extend or modify existing units, in areas for which land-use planning plans are not yet approved, a preliminary environmental study and evaluation is required, in accordance with the provisions of article 4, paragraph 6 of law 1650/1986 as replaced with article 2 of law No. 3010/2000. The Study must be made considering the available elements of the broader spatial planning strategies, taking into consideration what is reported in point bb up to point ee of paragraph 6b of the aforementioned article (4).
In addition to producing electric power from renewable energy sources, as set forth in law No. 3468/2006, the present law establishes climate protection as another strategic objective, of the highest importance for the country, in environmental and energetic terms. The text of the law makes amendments to various legislative texts regarding this issue. Articles 2 to 11establish procedures for obtaining a license to produce electric power, the approval of environmental impacts of the plants and th
Law No. 3851 enhancing the development of renewable energy sources for assessing the impact of climatic change and bringing forth other provisions on issues falling under the competence of the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change.
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