The Decree regulates the discharge of the substances contained in Lists I and II of Annex A into surface waters, marine territorial and coastal waters. It regulates also the powers and duties of the Government and of the Regions, with particular regard to the establishment and implementation of measures for the protection of the environment. The discharge of dangerous substances must be authorized by the Province or the competent sewerage service. The authorization has a validity of four years and is renewable according to the procedure of article 9. The Decree prohibits the discharge of the substances included in list I of Annex A also into undergroundwaters, soil and subsoil. Final provisions establish penalties to be applied in case of contravention and measures to be taken in case of environmental damage.
The Decree regulates the discharge of the substances contained in Lists I and II of Annex A into surface waters, marine territorial and coastal waters. It regulates also the powers and duties of the Government and of the Regions, with particular regard to the establishment and implementation of measures for the protection of the environment. The discharge of dangerous substances must be authorized by the Province or the competent sewerage service. The authorization has a validity of four years a
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Legislative Decree No. 133 implementing Directives No. 76/464/CEE, 82/176/CEE, 83/513/CEE, 84/156/CEE, 84/491/CEE, 88/347/CEE and 90/415/CEE on the discharges of certain dangerous substances in the water.
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