The objective of this Legislative Decree is to protect surface, marine and undergroundwaters from pollution. For this purpose water pollution shall be prevented, polluted water bodies shall be treated in order to improve water quality and water intended for specific uses shall be protected. Priority should be given to drinking water. The Decree sets out the minimum environmental requirement to be fulfilled in order to preserve water quality. Further specific norms are set for the protection of special areas, for the preservation of water bodies, for waste discharge and authorization requirements and are set out rules for the protection of surface and undergroundwaters for human consumption. In addition, the Decree contains detailed rules for waste discharge and for the discharge of dangerous substance. Annex I is on the monitoring and classification of waters having regard to the environmental quality objectives, Annex II regards the criteria for the classification of water bodies, Annex III is on river basins, Annex IV on plans for water protection, Annex V on waste water discharge, Annex VI on the criteria for the individuation of sensible areas and Annex VII on areas sensible to nitrates. (63 Articles and 7 Annexes)
The objective of this Legislative Decree is to protect surface, marine and undergroundwaters from pollution. For this purpose water pollution shall be prevented, polluted water bodies shall be treated in order to improve water quality and water intended for specific uses shall be protected. Priority should be given to drinking water. The Decree sets out the minimum environmental requirement to be fulfilled in order to preserve water quality. Further specific norms are set for the protection of s
Legislative Decree No. 152 concerning the protection of waters against pollution and implementing Directive 91/271 concerning urban wastewater treatment and Directive 91/676 concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources, integrated and amended by Legislative Decree No. 258 on the protection of waters against pollution.
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