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These provisions implement Legislative Decree No. 152 of 1999, which sets forth at national level measures intended to protect waters against pollution. Article 1 concerns the exercise of relevant administrative functions, whereas article 2 provides for the simplification of the administrative proceedings mentioned in Annex A and regarding surface and underground waters. With a view to fully implementing Legislative Decree No. 152, the Region shall adopt regulations concerning the issues referred to in Annex B (such as safeguarding areas for surface and underground waters for human consumption, supplement to the code of good agricultural practice, sewerage). The discharges specified in article 4 are regarded as domestic waste water discharges. As a consequence, such discharges shall be permitted into surface waters or soil.
These provisions implement Legislative Decree No. 152 of 1999, which sets forth at national level measures intended to protect waters against pollution. Article 1 concerns the exercise of relevant administrative functions, whereas article 2 provides for the simplification of the administrative proceedings mentioned in Annex A and regarding surface and underground waters. With a view to fully implementing Legislative Decree No. 152, the Region shall adopt regulations concerning the issues referre
Regional Act No. 61 laying down provisions to implement Legislative Decree No. 152 of 11 may 1999 in matter of protection of waters.
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