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This Legislative Decree has been enacted in order to bring Legislative Decree No. 230 of 1995 in line with new Community provisions which have been adopted in the field of protection of workers as well as public health against the dangers arising from ionizing radiation. The amendments laid down to Legislative Decree No. 230 of 1995 concern the application scope, definitions and principles applicable to operations which imply exposure to ionizing radiation. The Title of Legislative Decree No. 230 of 1995 shall be hereinafter the following: Implementation of Directives 89/618/Euratom, 90/641/Euratom, 92/3/Euratom and 96/29/Euratom in matter of ionizing radiation . New Chapter III bis is inserted after Chapter III. These new provisions deal with exposure at work to particular natural radiation sources. Moreover, in accordance with new article 18 bis, the utilization of radioactive materials in the production or manufacturing of consumer goods, as well as their importation or exportation, requires prior ministerial authorization.
This Legislative Decree has been enacted in order to bring Legislative Decree No. 230 of 1995 in line with new Community provisions which have been adopted in the field of protection of workers as well as public health against the dangers arising from ionizing radiation. The amendments laid down to Legislative Decree No. 230 of 1995 concern the application scope, definitions and principles applicable to operations which imply exposure to ionizing radiation. The Title of Legislative Decree No. 23
Legislative Decree No. 241 implementing Directive 96/29/Euratom in matter of protection of the health of workers and the general public against the dangers arising from ionizing radiation
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