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The present Legislative Decree has been enacted in implementation of a number of Euratom Directives relative to ionizing radiation. The Legislative Decree is composed of twelve Chapters and five Annexes. Chapter I defines the application scope and lays down general principles concerning the protection against those dangers that might arise from ionizing radiation. The provisions hereby established shall apply to: (a) the realization, operation and closing of nuclear installations; (b) the production, importation, exportation, manipulation, treatment, use, transport, keeping, collection and disposal of radioactive materials; (c) any other activity that implies the risk of dangers due to ionizing radiation. Annex I describes with further details the conditions that shall determine the application of the Legislative Decree. Article 2 defines the principles to be implemented in order to guarantee health safety and the protection of the population, workers and the environment against ionizing radiation. Chapter II lays down numerous definitions. Chapter III defines the competences of different institutions and provides for the setting up of specific organisms. The Interdepartmental Council for Coordination and Consultancy in matters connected with the pacific use of nuclear energy is established by article 8. The Technical Commission for Nuclear Energy is set up under the National Agency for Environmental Protection (ANPA) by article 9. The ANPA is charged with inspective functions (art. 10). Chapter V makes detailed provisions as regards the importation, production, marketing, transport and keeping of radioactive materials. Such activities shall be subject to the prior notification to the competent Ministries. Chapter VI lays down rules on the authorization required for installations and contains particular provisions as regards radioactive waste. Chapter VIII is entirely devoted to health safety of workers. Article 104 concerns controls on environmental radioactivity to be carried out by the Ministry of the Environment. Controls on foods and beverages destined to human or animal consumption shall be carried out by the Ministry of Health. Chapter X describes the content of the plans to be approved and implemented in case of nuclear emergency. Chapter XI lays down penalties.
The present Legislative Decree has been enacted in implementation of a number of Euratom Directives relative to ionizing radiation. The Legislative Decree is composed of twelve Chapters and five Annexes. Chapter I defines the application scope and lays down general principles concerning the protection against those dangers that might arise from ionizing radiation. The provisions hereby established shall apply to: (a) the realization, operation and closing of nuclear installations; (b) the produc
Legislative Decree No. 230 implementing Directives (Euratom) No. 80/836, 84/467, 89/618, 90/641 and 92/3 in matter of ionizing radiation.
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