The present Decree establishes sanitary provisions for the production of live bivalve molluscs both for processing and direct human consumption. Article 4 states the requirements for the classification of the production areas and establishes that the regional authorities submit to the Ministry of Health the maps of such areas within 120 days of the entry into force of the regulation implementing the present Decree. It distinguishes the production areas into two categories: (1) the molluscs originating from the so called "A areas " may be directly placed on the market for human consumption; (2) the molluscs originating from the "B areas" may be placed on the market only after treatment in a depurating centre. Further provisions concern the following: (a) procedures for the recognition of depuration centres and laboratories, (b) requirements of marine areas of third countries, (c) procedure for the issuance of the authorization in favour of enterprises importing bivalve molluscs from third countries, (d) sanitary certificate for bivalve molluscs.
The present Decree establishes sanitary provisions for the production of live bivalve molluscs both for processing and direct human consumption. Article 4 states the requirements for the classification of the production areas and establishes that the regional authorities submit to the Ministry of Health the maps of such areas within 120 days of the entry into force of the regulation implementing the present Decree. It distinguishes the production areas into two categories: (1) the molluscs origi
This Legislative Decree is consolidated with amendments by: Legislative Decree No. 390 of 20 September 1995;Legislative Decree No. 249 (G.U. No. 107, 9 May 1996);Ministerial Decree of 14 October 1998 (G.U. No. 296, 19 December 1998).
Legislative Decree No. 530 implementing EEC Directive No. 91/492/CEE concerning measures of sanitary police for the production and placing on the market of live bivalve molluscs.
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