The Ministerial Decree lays down amendments and addenda to the Annex to Legislative Decree No. 530 of 1992 in order to implement Directive 97/61/EC, which establishes the conditions for the production and the marketing of live bivalve molluscs. A registration document intended for the identification of batches of live bivalve molluscs during transport from the production area to a dispatch or purification centre, to a relaying area or to a processing establishment shall be issued by the competent authority upon request by the gatherer. Dispatch centres must keep the following at the disposal of the competent authority: a) the results of microbiological tests on live bivalve molluscs; b) the dates and quantities of live bivalve molluscs delivered to the dispatch centres themselves; c) dispatch details, including names and adresses of consignees. Article 1, paragraph e) of this Decree fixes the maximum total Amnesic Shellfish Poison (ASP) content allowed in the edible parts of molluscs. The Marine Research Centre shall be the national laboratory in charge of the monitoring of marine biotoxins. The Annex to the Decree sets out the approved analysis method intended for the assessment of ASP.
The Ministerial Decree lays down amendments and addenda to the Annex to Legislative Decree No. 530 of 1992 in order to implement Directive 97/61/EC, which establishes the conditions for the production and the marketing of live bivalve molluscs. A registration document intended for the identification of batches of live bivalve molluscs during transport from the production area to a dispatch or purification centre, to a relaying area or to a processing establishment shall be issued by the competen
Ministerial Decree amending the Annex to Legislative Decree No. 530 of 30 December 1992 and subsequent amendments, in compliance with Directive 97/61/EC.
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