This Act does not apply to discharge as regulated by the Act concerning Prevention of Pollution from Ships (No. 638 of 1983). The Act distinguishes between waste substances to be specified by a Ministerial Decree and other waste matters. The Act prohibits any discharge, having aboard of a floating structure or flying vehicles, or supplying of waste substances of the first category. These actions may be permitted for the remaining waste substances but with a permission granted prior to undertaking one of the actions (arts. 3 and 4). The discharge is not prohibited if done in the course of normal operations not having as aim the discharge of waste matters (art. 6). Who receives chemical waste or waste oil shall for discharge shall report to the Minister of Traffic and Water Management (art. 6a). The remaining articles deal with procedures for permission in the sense of article 4, administrative appeal, and article 12 declares articles 18.3 to 18.6 of the Environment Protection Act applicable with respect to enforcement, offences and penalties. (22 articles)
This Act does not apply to discharge as regulated by the Act concerning Prevention of Pollution from Ships (No. 638 of 1983). The Act distinguishes between waste substances to be specified by a Ministerial Decree and other waste matters. The Act prohibits any discharge, having aboard of a floating structure or flying vehicles, or supplying of waste substances of the first category. These actions may be permitted for the remaining waste substances but with a permission granted prior to undertakin
Consolidated version of Act 695 of 1981 as amended last by Act 414 of 2 July, 1992.
Marine Pollution Act.
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