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The Measures are enacted pursuant to the provisions of the Article 17 of the Wildlife Protection Law, aiming to protect, develop and utilize rationally wildlife resources, and strengthen the wildlife domestication and breeding.
Any entity or individual must obtain a national key protected wild animal domestication and breeding license before being engaged in the domestication and breeding activities thereof. The Text, consisting of 15 Articles, provides for the requirements to be satisfied and the procedures for application, review, issuance and cancellation of such licenses.
Where entities or individuals holding such licenses need to sell the national grade 1 and 2 protected wild animals and the products thereof, the approval must be obtained following the procedures of Article 9.
The Measures are enacted pursuant to the provisions of the Article 17 of the Wildlife Protection Law, aiming to protect, develop and utilize rationally wildlife resources, and strengthen the wildlife domestication and breeding.
Measures for the administration of the national key protected wild animal domestication and breeding licenses.
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